Tarot Card Reading Horoscope July 21, 2023
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Tarot Card Reading Horoscope July 21, 2023

Jun 09, 2023

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Our resident tarot expert Kerry Ward breaks down what’s in the cards for you this week.

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Ultimately, we are all alone, right? We come into this world alone, and we leave that way too. Being comfortable spending time alone, self-possessed, self-confident, and happy in your own skin is really important. If you don’t feel that way, then resolve to start figuring out what you can do to move closer to that feeling. The Queen of Swords is a reminder to us all to take care of ourselves, accept ourselves, be okay with who we are, and make sure we’re living the life we want to. It’s our responsibility, no one else’s.

Really, the only things you actually need when doing a tarot reading is a deck of tarot cards and your intuition.

Ask the cards all your questions in a reading with tarot reader Kerry Ward (author of these tarotscopes!).

Keeping a tarot journal can help you get to learn the meanings of the cards better. Plus, you can write down your interpretations of a tarot reading and later come back to it to see how it all played out.

Pre-order Kerry Ward's new book, which can help you get to know the cards and yourself.

Add candles, incense, calming music, etc. to set a ~vibe~ for your reading.

Keep your tarot cards cozy in a pretty velvet bag.


You’ve put your head in the sand and ignored the red flags, and now this little situation, role, or relationship is going to blow up. Aries, you knew, deep down, that this would happen. And actually, you’re kinda relieved it is happening because you’ve felt that this wasn’t right for you for a long time. The Tower seeks to collapse things that don’t serve you well, but you've been unable, or unwilling, to extract yourself from them. It’s time to let this all fall down, and then start anew.


You are in control of your own destiny. You have choices, and there are other options than what you're being offered right now. If you don’t like what’s being served up, Taurus, then get up and leave the table. The Emperor reminds you of how powerful you are. He asks you to be clear about what you want and take ownership for making that happen. If it’s not happening, then take steps to MAKE it happen. This is a powerful week.


Being in control of your life is a great feeling, even if the legwork is dull or even boring. Gemini, gift yourself the sense of security and pleasure of having all your admin organized, up-to-date, and flowing in a streamlined and logical manner. The Queen of Pentacles gives you a to-do list. Check your banking, contracts, insurance, 401K, and career paperwork. Buy new folders and stationery. Create new systems. Make it easy and automated. You will feel amazing.


A relationship is causing you issues right now, Cancer. It could be with a troublesome Gemini, or it could just be someone who blows hot and cold, someone who's unreliable but who you can’t seem to turn your gaze away from. Try and work out what is really going on here, Cancer, before you make another move. The Lovers shows that there’s passion and chemistry between you, but also some sort of conflict or barrier. Can it be resolved? Are they truly into this? Is this worth your time and effort? Resolve these answers first and then act accordingly. Be rational.


You like to be liked and, usually, you are because you’re totally adorable. However, all of this noise and energy can make some people jealous, envious, devious, and intent on bringing you down a peg. Someone has been like this recently. Leo, you can just cut them off and walk away. You don’t need that kind of hater in your life! The Three of Swords is a blunt tool—remove the toxicity and bad vibes. Get rid of those who undermine or backstab you. Life’s too short for it.


It’s not like you to dither, procrastinate, or agonize over something that you know needs to be done, but you have been. The Two of Swords is like an overdue bill. It shows up when you’re late turning something in. It probably means you're procrastinating on making a decision. This means you remain stuck, because you CAN make this decision. Review the facts, research the options, bounce ideas off someone you trust, sleep on it… and then make your mind up.


Your personality combines wisdom, analytical prowess, and romantic idealism. As such, people enjoy confiding in you (maybe as much as you enjoy getting the tea). This week, the King of Cups sees you being a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, a supportive cheerleader, a source of strength, and a calm advisor for a variety of people. You are leaned on, Libra, and the weight actually feels good. It’s grounding, strengthening, and makes you feel appreciated. Give these people your best. You have good ideas and good energy.


You can’t do it all, Scorpio. You can’t be anything you want, but you can be everything you are. Focus. Prioritize. Zoom in on what’s important. The Two of Wands hints that you’re in danger of becoming overwhelmed if you keep on trying to juggle all of the current balls in the air. Let some of them fall and roll away. Pick up the ones you need, want, and plan to make use of in the future. This is an important week where you regain your footing and step onto the right path.


Don’t give up. Don’t stop working on this issue. Don’t let your efforts go to waste. You’ve got this, Sag! The Nine of Wands is a reassurance that the problems are not as bad or big as they seem. You’ve got things out of perspective, and you will find that when you actually get into the actions, you can do them easily and quickly. By the end of this week, you can be on the other side of this. Work hard, lean in, tackle what needs doing, and feel good about your progress and courage.


You're a super strong person, Cap, and you've met all of your struggles and battles with fortitude and resilience. You could bottle up what you have and make a fortune selling it! Acknowledge this. Appreciate your strength. Recognize where you’ve grown and changed. The Strength card reveals that you are hitting a milestone, and you need to take a moment to process this and notice your own development. It will strengthen you for what’s to come. You can handle anything. Have faith in YOU.


You can be erratic sometimes because your mind whirs very quickly and you absorb, process, and want to utilize new information very fast. It bamboozles some people. Oh well! The Page of Wands sees you jumping from task to task, project to project, tactic to tactic. Go ahead! In fact, the more you mix them up, the more lateral thinking and creative join-the-dots imagineering you’re going to be able to do, creating a halo effect across the wider piece. Be creative!


A week of hard work lies in front of you, Pisces, so make sure you schedule in rest, rewards, and a fun weekend to celebrate your progress! The Eight of Pentacles shows that you’re very close to a breakthrough and an easier time, as long as you carry on pressing ahead. Don’t lapse, fall back, or leave it to someone else. Work hard! The rewards here are worthwhile. Don’t dilute your efforts by letting take over. Make sure you get to the finish line and collect your prize.

Kerry Ward has been reading and teaching tarot for over 25 years. You can book a personal, written tarot reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, or pre-order her first book, Power Purpose Practice. Follow her on Instagram @mytarotbella for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings.

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