How to Play Avalon With Playing Cards
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How to Play Avalon With Playing Cards

Jun 09, 2023

How to Play Avalon With Playing Cards: A Modern Twist on a Classic Game

Avalon is a popular board game that takes players on a medieval journey filled with intrigue, deception, and strategy. However, what if you don’t have the board game or simply want to enjoy the game with a deck of playing cards? Well, worry not, as we have got you covered. In this article, we will guide you on how to play Avalon with playing cards, providing a modern twist on a classic game that can be enjoyed by all.

Setting up the Game:To set up Avalon with playing cards, you will need a standard deck of 52 playing cards, including the Jokers. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Remove all the Kings and Queens from the deck, as they will not be used.2. Shuffle the remaining deck thoroughly.3. Assign the following roles to the cards:– Ace: Merlin (good)– Joker: Assassin (evil)– Numbered cards (2-10): Loyal Servants of Arthur (good)– Jokers (other than the Assassin): Minions of Mordred (evil)

The Game Rules:Once the setup is complete, follow these rules to play Avalon with playing cards:

1. The game requires a minimum of 5 players, but it can accommodate up to 10 players.2. Assign the roles randomly by dealing one card face-down to each player.3. All players should keep their roles secret.4. The game consists of a series of rounds, each with a different mission.5. The good team’s objective is to complete three successful missions, while the evil team aims to fail three missions or assassinate Merlin.6. Each round begins with the selection of a mission leader. The leader rotates clockwise after each round.7. The leader selects a number of players equal to the mission’s requirement (e.g., 2 players for a 5-player game).8. All players, including the leader, simultaneously vote with thumbs-up (approve) or thumbs-down (reject) to approve the mission team. A majority approval is required to proceed.9. If the mission team is approved, the chosen players participate in the mission and secretly vote success (good) or failure (evil). All players should close their eyes during this phase.10. The leader then reveals the mission results. If all votes are success, the mission succeeds. Otherwise, it fails.11. After each mission, players discuss and try to deduce the identities of other players to advance their team’s cause.12. Once three missions succeed or fail, the game enters the final phase.13. If the good team succeeds, they win. If the evil team fails three missions or successfully assassinates Merlin, they win.


1. Can I play Avalon with less than 5 players?No, the game requires a minimum of 5 players to ensure a balanced experience.

2. How can I keep track of the number of missions completed?You can use a pen and paper or any other method of keeping score to track the progress of the missions.

3. Are there any special abilities for the Merlin and Assassin roles?No, in this version of Avalon, the roles do not have any special abilities beyond their alignment.

4. Can I customize the game rules or roles?Absolutely! Feel free to adapt the rules or create your own roles to add more excitement and variety to the game.

5. Can players reveal their roles during the game?No, players must keep their roles secret throughout the game to maintain the element of deception and intrigue.

6. Is there a recommended age group for playing Avalon with playing cards?Avalon is generally suitable for ages 13 and above due to its complex mechanics and social deduction elements.

7. How long does a typical game of Avalon with playing cards last?The duration of the game largely depends on the number of players and their familiarity with the rules. On average, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour.

8. Can I play Avalon with playing cards remotely?Yes, Avalon with playing cards can be played remotely over video calls or chat platforms by using shared screens or describing actions verbally.

9. Is it possible to play Avalon with more than 10 players?While the standard Avalon game is designed for up to 10 players, you can modify the rules and roles to accommodate more players, ensuring everyone has a role to play.

In conclusion, playing Avalon with playing cards offers a unique twist on the classic board game, allowing you to enjoy the medieval adventure with just a deck of cards. Follow the setup instructions, familiarize yourself with the rules, and let the deception and strategy unfold as you venture into the world of Avalon. Enjoy the game and may the best team prevail!